


Tulakhon is 40 years old. She has four children, three daughters and a son. Her oldest daughter studies at a Gymnasium. Her husband has a higher education and works as a Russian language teacher at the local school. Tulakhon is a housewife and busy with raising their children. She also wanted to study. She applied to attend a secondary school but was unable to pass the entry exams. She regrets she was not a good student and now carefully monitors her children's schoolwork. She wants to make sure that they succeed in school. She likes to keep her home clean and tidy and enjoys preparing tasty meals for her relatives. She also likes to watch movies. Sad movies always make her cry. The happiest day in her life was when she gave birth to a son, after having three daughters. His name is Khushbacht (meaning someone who brings happiness). Before she started spinning she was knitting socks and mittens for sale as other women in her village to help support her family. Now she likes coming to the workshop and working with other women. The money she earns she usually spends on her children, especially on their schooling. She considers herself a happy woman. There weren’t many unhappy days in her life and she hopes it will remain that way.