


Gulchechra is 50 years old which makes her the oldest spinner. She is does not have many needs and prefers a simple life. Her father was a shoemaker and she has an 80-year-old mother who she loves very much. Her father died a long time ago but she still misses him and thinks about him often. She has five children. She regrets she was unable to give them higher education and was overjoyed when her daughter was accepted to colledge. She first worked at canning factory and when it closed she worked at a kindergarten until her health worsened and she had to leave that work as well. She got very excited when the workshop opened because she was always interested in spinning. She enjoys going to the workshop very much. She likes the women she works with, especially Robia who jokes and makes everyone laugh. She spends her earnings on clothes for her grandchildren. She loves the Spring, and does not like when people gossip behind someone’s back. When she has some free time she likes to dance.