


Manzura is 35 years old. She was born and got married in Garmchachma, a small village with hot springs in the Ishkashim region of Tajikistan in the Pamir mountains. The mineral water is used to heal skin problems and in the summer many tourists and patients come to visit Garmchachma. Manzura lives in a large family of ten - her husband, their two children, her parents-in-law and four orphan children her late sister-in-law left behind. Manzura’s family experienced several tragedies and the memory continues to sadden her. Her mother died when she was a young girl and her brother who was a soldier was killed during the civil war. Manzura is busy taking care of the children, the household and their livestock. They have a cow, 6 goats and a dog. When she finds some free time she immediately starts spinning. She likes to listen to soothing music while she spins, that gives her joy. Manzura graduated from high school but did not have any job and was very happy to join the spinning group. She lives about 7 kilometers from the workshop and goes there only three times a month. She enjoys working together with other spinners. She remembers when they used to spin using wooden spindles. Now they have electric spinning machines and that makes spinning much easier. Manzura spends her earnings on her children.