


Lola Davlatova is 46 years old. She is cheerful and likes to laugh. She has 4 sons and one daughter. Her daughter and her youngest son are still in school, her older sons finished school. They have a plot of land and a small orchard and keep 3 cows, 10 goats and 5 sheep. Lola’s husband travels to Russia for work and that is how he supports the family. Lola has been spinning yarn for six year and spinning is a good source of income for her. She always has some money for daily household expenses and that makes her happy. She also enjoys working and socializing with the other women. They discuss various topics while spinning and earn money at the same time. It is very difficult for women in her village to find work. She and the other women in her group were lucky - they received spinning machines through the project, they always have clean, dehaired fiber to spin and get paid regularly. She hopes that their business will continue to grow. Lola thanks everyone for supporting their spinning group and sends her greetings to America.